How to upload your video
On the checkout page here at, there are various fields in which to enter information about yourself and your water skiing.
One of the more important of those is the Video Upload field, which you’ll use to provide us with the sharing link to the water skiing video recording that you’ve made, and which we will be reviewing and analysing for you.
Rather than upload your video directly to this site, you will upload your video file to a third-party file sharing site of your choice, and provide the URL to us so that your virtual water ski coach can access and review it.
You’re free to use whatever file sharing service you like for this, but we use and recommend WeTransfer for its sheer simplicity and low (zero) cost. The WeTransfer file sharing service is free, it allows you to transfer files up to 2GB in size, and you don’t even need to create an account.
WeTransfer instructions
You will find WeTransfer’s instructions for uploading video and getting a link to share with VirtualWaterSkiCoach on the WeTransfer help site, and we’ve included some more notes below to help you get started.
Simply upload your skiing video to WeTransfer, then copy and paste the sharing link provided by WeTransfer into the Video Upload field on the VirtualWaterSkiCoach checkout page.
WeTransfer’s default sharing method is to email a link, but you want to get a sharing link to copy and paste into our checkout page. To do this, in WeTranser click on the option button (three dots in a circle) at the bottom, and change the ‘Send as’ option from “email” to “link”.
Other file sharing services
WeTransfer is a great option, but if you already use one of the below video sharing services you can of course use that. There are many file sharing services to choose from, including: